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Executive function is an aspect of cognition. Broadly, it is the ability to control one's focus at will. Many people take this ability for granted, but those with ADHD, autism, trauma, mood disorders, or other neurodivergent thinking have difficulties with typical executive function.
Executive dysfunction is a bucket term for problems with attention, whether it's hyperfocus, inability to focus, being distractible, or a host of other indescribably unique issues that people have to deal with. A vital distinction that is often missed is that having neurological trouble with a given aspect of cognition does not equate to failing or performing poorly at related tasks. A hallmark of exeuctive dysfunction is the adoption of sophisticated frameworks for managing one's time and focus, because people often invisibly recognize their need for such support and seek it out on their own terms.
The Magnova community says the following issues give rise to Executive Dysfunction. Addressing this issue could be accomplished by dealing with the following sub-issues. (Registered users can upvote/downvote these connections.)
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