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Slicker brushes can hurt, use skin-friendly brushes that are appropriate to the breed.
Don't get breeds you don't want to maintain. If you are considering getting a pet, make sure you research the species and breeds. Learn about grooming, nutrition, medical, and the other needs of your animal.
"Pet breeding" is an industry that has accumulated a history of cruelty and selection for traits that are unhealthy for the animals that are born. Dog shows and the status of certain breeds are a large driver of this designer pet creation. At the same time, many existing animals born in the wild and left at pounds need homes. It is more ethical to adopt from a shelter or home an otherwise homeless animal than support an industry that is geared more to create sale-able commodities than healthy individuals who will have the best chance of a healthy life, a tendency that often cooccurs with over breeding and traumatizing conditions. Giardia. Kennel cough, tracheal issues.
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