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The real wage of jobs has gone down over the past decades, except for the super-wealthy. Wage gaps still exist, and the only one that has shrunk is the gender gap.
Employers employ numerous tactics to reduce how much they pay people. Chain restaurants take advantage of familiarity and advertising to trap working class people into ludicrously low-pay jobs. Companies illegally tell their employees not to discuss wages even though discussing wages with coworkers is a legal right. They renege on promises made when they recruit people, something illegal that people could sue for. People are far and wide scared to challenge corporations who abuse them because those corps also have large lawyer teams. Even though it's illegal to "retaliate" against employees for challenging their abuse, resourceful employers cheat the system by manufacturing other reasons to fire people that cause them trouble. Winning these battles for the proletariat begins by educating people about their legal recourse and building a case. It is far more likely to succeed when employees work together.
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