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it is kinda systemic after like 10,000 years of cultural selection needing it as a survival mechanism.
US imperialism has empowered the Taliban, whose platform includes ousting the United States and making life hell for women. By maintaining military presence here, the American empire has made the fight for women's rights much harder.
The UN has ideas for what you can do to make a better world for people who are mistreated for their gender
The Magnova community says the following issues give rise to Gendered Violence. Addressing this issue could be accomplished by dealing with the following sub-issues. (Registered users can upvote/downvote these connections.)
The following projects have been created by the Magnova community to address this issue. (Registered users can upvote/downvote which projects they want to see implemented.)
Is Gendered Violence affecting your community? Issue pages, like the one you're on now, are ideal for talking about general problems. Each Issue can be deployed to a Location to create a "Local Issue" page, where users can measure an Issue's impact on that Location, and discuss things that are particular to the community.
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