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Through the advances in global transportation, we have population densities far beyond the "natural" carrying capacity of land. This causes uninterrupted global trade to be a necessity...and all the mess that comes with free(ly tradable) markets.
Interruption of this trade network would cause large-scale pain: starvation, loss of life, etc. If it has to go in the name of pRoGrEsS, it has to go slowly, if only to prevent catastrophic suffering.
The Magnova community says the following issues give rise to The current momentum of global trade in our everyday lives. Addressing this issue could be accomplished by dealing with the following sub-issues. (Registered users can upvote/downvote these connections.)
The following projects have been created by the Magnova community to address this issue. (Registered users can upvote/downvote which projects they want to see implemented.)
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